Ce texte peut être édité par l'utilisateur. ">

Contenteditable html5

One of the lesser-known HTML attributes is contenteditable. This attribute allows you to turn a standard read-only HTML element into an interactive, rich-text editor. When Tim Berners-Lee built the first web browser in 1990, he created modes for both browsing and editing HTML documents. However as the web grew, browsers transitioned to a more It's not quite the same as the HTML5 input event (which is supported for contenteditable in all the WebKit and Mozilla browsers that support mutation observers), since DOM mutation could occur via script as well as user input, but it's a viable solution for those browsers. Forum pour webmasters, création de sites web avec HTML 5, XHTML, CSS 3 et Standards W3C ContentEditable. Any elements with the contenteditable attribute set will have a grey outline as you hover over. Feel free to edit and change their contents. I'm using local storage to maintain your changes. 13/05/2014 · HTML5 Developer Tutorial: New Input Types for Web Forms - Duration: 16 14.3: Dynamic Text (contenteditable attribute) - Hamilton Lottery Simulator with p5.js - Duration: 15:34. The Coding contenteditable css firefox html html5. 11. Vous pouvez faire correspondre la div avec ce code. div [contenteditable = true] {background: rgba (0, 0, 0, 0); /* transparent bg */ resize: none; /* disable resizing */} Qui travaille dans webkit pas firefox?

# Make a HTML element editable with contenteditable Apply the contenteditable attribute to any HTML element. Voila! You can now edit them similar to how a or